In the department for Environmental Protection work experienced engineers who possess a Certificate of gaining the status an Expert for strategic assessment of the impact of projects on the environment, expert assessment of the impact of projects on the environment, as well as a Certificate for carrying out management waste, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Physical planning of the Republic of Macedonia. Their expertise is proven through many projects, where delivery on time and high-quality work was recognized by our clients as crucial for successful implementation of project goal. Our services include design, elaborates and studies for protection of the environment.
- Environmental impact assessment
- Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies
- Ecological elaborates
- Preparation of IPPC requests for A and B permits
- Application of “clean technology” in industry
- Energy efficiency measures and technologies and application of renewable energy sources
- Participation in and preparation of local and international projects EIA/ESIA acc. to the Equator Principles (The World Bank / IFC and other lending organizations)
- Measuring the level of noise in the work environment
- Measuring the level of environmental noise
- Measurement of human vibrations